Dolling Produce

Date: 2020

Business: Dolling Produce

Location: Keppoch, South Australia


Founded in the early 1980s, Dolling Produce has evolved from a general fresh produce supplier growing a mixture of potatoes, carrots and onions, to a specialist onion producer. Run by Brett Dolling and his wife Leanne, with the assistance of their three children Jarryd, Chet and Shannon, Dolling now grows and supplies onions exclusively for the wholesale markets of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, as well as directly to the major supermarket chains and for export.

Growing around 200 hectares of onions in the Limestone Coast area of South Australia, this fully irrigated operation produces over 12,000 tonnes of top-quality brown and red onions per season. Recognising a need to improve the efficiency of their post-harvest operations whilst maintaining the quality, Dolling Produce engaged Wyma Solutions to redevelop their pack-house solution.

Wyma developed and delivered an end-to-end solution, and was pleased to be able to partner with Burg Machinefabriek to integrate an automated bin tipping solution at the infeed and automated roller conveyor system to handle graded produce bins.

“Wyma is well established in Australia and is known for its quality and innovation. It was fantastic to be able to work with Dolling Produce, who have long focused on the quality of their produce. It was particularly pleasing to see the impact innovation has made to their business,” says John Roest, Australian Sales Manager, Wyma Solutions.

The Dolling Produce line included a range of customised Wyma equipment, including:


Commissioned in 2019, the Dolling Produce onion line typically process twelve tons per hour.


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