Roll-Back Bin Tipper

Wyma’s Roll-back Bin Tipper is designed for gentle produce handling.
Roll-Back Bin Tipper


  • Automated hydraulic bin clamp to secure the bin in position before its rotation and adjust to various bin heights
  • Custom frame heights to adequately integrate the bin tipper into new and existing processing lines
  • Durable and robust construction to withstand the strains of lifting heavy bins and of forklift knocks
  • Stainless steel construction in high wear areas
  • Roll back lid to discharge produce and to protect it against damage in the tipping cycle
  • Photoelectric sensor system to control product discharge onto conveyor
  • Fully automatic tipping cycle via electrical control panel or via remote control*
  • Long stroke cylinders allowing tipping through 140 degrees
  • Quick operation (as little as 25 seconds per bin, tipped and returned)
  • Side or top ejection system with support frame*
  • Siren and warning lights to enhance safety
  • Can handle multiple field / pack-house bin sizes


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